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Postgresql find foreign key references and reset primary key serial without truncate table
in this blog post i will try to explain how to find Postgresql foreign key references and reset primary key serial.
now question is why we need to find Postgresql foreign key references and reset primary key serial ?
sometime we have a scenerio where we need to reset the primary key for business need at the same
time we need to keep data as is without truncate the whole table. lets go into the details
i have a table name as categories, image shown above. problem is id 1 is deleted somehow.
now category Pharmacy has id 2, but as per business need, Pharmacy has to be category id 1.
so now i need to move Pharmacy category to id 1, but Postgresql wont allow me to do normally,
cause id 1 already overcome this issue we will do the below steps.
i'm using two database client to accomplish this for ease of work.
one is DBeaver and pgAdmin 4.
first backup whole database,in case of any error, we can restore the database.
now run the below sql query with where kcu.column_name = 'your_primary_key',
for my case the primary key name is category_id
ccu.table_schema AS foreign_table_schema,
ccu.table_name AS foreign_table_name,
ccu.column_name AS foreign_column_name
information_schema.table_constraints AS tc
JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu
ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name
AND tc.table_schema = kcu.table_schema
JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu
ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name
AND ccu.table_schema = tc.table_schema
where kcu.column_name = 'category_id'
check the below image
now check the table_name column, you will find all the foreign key references
related with category_id, ignore top 1 result, because this from same categories tables.
now we will remove the foreign key reference from 3 tables
lets start with deals, see the images below
now event_categories table, we will remove category_id foreign key reference, see the images below
now product_categories, see the images below
now open the categories table using pgAdmin4, click on Properties
click Column tab, click on edit icon left of primary key(category_id) column.
now click Constaints tab, now check type, select NONE from IDENTITY
click save.
see image below
now open the categories table data, and modify primary key id
see image below
again open the categories table using pgAdmin4, click on Properties
click Column tab, click on edit icon left of primary key(category_id) column.
now click Constaints tab, now check type, select IDENTITY from NONE.
select always for identity click save. see image below
now in query editor run the following query
SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('"public"."categories"', 'category_id'); // output: "categories_category_id_seq"
this will output the "categories_category_id_seq" see image below
now run the following query
SELECT nextval('"public"."categories_category_id_seq"'::regclass); // output 1
this will output next primary key serial number. see image below
now run the following query to reset the primary key serial
SELECT setval('"public"."categories_category_id_seq"', 67);
see image below.
now run the following query
SELECT nextval('"public"."categories_category_id_seq"'::regclass); // output 68
this will output next primary key serial number. see image below
now restore the category_id foreign key reference for
deals, see the images blow
now restore the category_id foreign key reference for event_categories, see the images blow
now restore the category_id foreign key reference for product_categories, see the images blow
we are done!
Views : 1287