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To filter relational table in TypeORM using findAndCount there is a workaround. To filtering based on relation fields for findAndCount.
We need to use ObjectLiteral-style where using this style conditions are works perfectly.
Assume that we have Three entities – products,attributeSet and woodType. products belongs to one attributeSet and one woodType,
attributeSet and woodType has many products. Below is complete example of a findAndCount query in TypeORM
At first we will declare likes array, this array will be used for SQL like operation
const filter_likes = [
name: 'nameEn',
value: name_en,
name: 'nameAr',
value: name_ar,
name: 'sku',
value: sku,
name: 'barcode',
value: barcode,
name: 'costPrice',
value: costPrice,
name: 'salePrice',
value: salePrice,
name: 'quantity',
value: quantity,
Now we will declare relation filter for other tables
const relation_filter = [
name: 'attributeSet.nameEn',
value: attributeSetNameEn,
name: 'woodType.nameEn',
value: woodTypeNameEn,
Declare sorting for query
const sorting = {
sort: sort,
order: order,
Main query:
const query: any = {};
query.join = {
alias: 'products',
leftJoinAndSelect: {
attributeSet: 'products.attributeSet',
woodType: 'products.woodType',
query.where = (qb: any) => {
isDeleted: 0,
if (filter_likes && filter_likes.length > 0) {
filter_likes.forEach((columns: any) => {
if (columns.value !== undefined) {
let column_name =;
let column_value = columns.value;
[column_name]: Like('%' + [column_value] + '%')
if (relation_filter && relation_filter.length > 0) {
relation_filter.forEach((columns: any) => {
if (columns.value !== undefined) {
let column_name =;
let column_value = columns.value;
qb.andWhere([column_name] + ' LIKE :fieldName', {
fieldName: '%' +[column_value]+ '%'
Offset number specifies the number of rows to skip
query.skip = skip;
limit the number of item returned by SQL
query.take = take;
query.order = {};
if (sort_attributes.sort !== undefined) {
let field_name = sort_attributes.sort;
let order_by = sort_attributes.order;
query.order[field_name] = order_by;
} else {
query.order = {
sortOrder: "ASC",
productId: "DESC",
return this.productRepository.findAndCount(query);
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