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Installing Homebrew for macOS

Installing Homebrew for macOS

Homebrew is a command-line interface based package manager for macOS, 

This can be used for automated software installation, removal and upgradation. 

To install Homebrew on macOS, you will need to run a command shell.

  • Launch Spotlight Search
  • Type in terminal
  • Execute the following command in the Terminal to install the Homebrew package manager:

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

To verify Homebrew installation by running brew in terminal

You should see a similar output, as follows:

Successful installation of Homebrew

To enable access to additional software, execute the following command:

$ brew tap caskroom/cask

Some useful Homebrew apps list

  • brew install wget for downloading from web
  • brew install htop for monitor CPU, memory, process
  • brew install map for scanning network security
  • brew install links for showing text for specific web page
  • brew install geoip for finding geolocation of an IP
  • brew install irssi for IRC chat client
  • brew install watch for for monitoring specific process like IO, disk usage, and other items

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