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Installing Git and GitHub Desktop

Installing Git and GitHub Desktop

GitHub desktop provides us an efficient way of working to run the gitHub work flow as graphical user interface mode, 

GitHub desktop is available both windows and macOS platform. 

For Windows:

We can install github desktop in windows platform using browser also using windows power-shell 

To install via browser you need to follow this steps

  • Go to
  • Download for windows
  • When prompt run the application

Using power-shell you need to run below command as administrator mode

PS> choco install git github-desktop -y

To install Chocolatey(choco) for Windows you can follow my another blog post

For macOS:
$ brew install git && brew cask install github-desktop

To install brew for macOs you can follow my another blog post

To verify git installation by we need to execute git --version and see the version number in the terminal

We will need to restart our terminal after the installation of git. 

Alternatively, we can avoid relaunching our current terminal and save some time by refreshing the environment variables. 

Verify gitHub desktop installation by launching the application and login in to on GitHub Desktop

on launch of the application, if you stuck into the login screen, 

you need to close the application and reopen it as administrator mode, complete the steps, and then you will be able to use it without any issue,  

For more information, refer to:

Tags : Ubuntu,

Views : 592

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