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Hacker Rank: Day 6: Let's Review

Hacker Rank: Day 6: Let's Review

Hacker Rank: Day 6: Let's Review


Given a string,S, of length N that is indexed from 0 to N-1, print its even-indexed

and odd-indexed characters as 2 space-separated

strings on a single line (see the Sample below for more detail).

Note: 0 is considered to be an even index.  


s = abdecf

Print abc def

Input Format

The first line contains an integer, T(the number of test cases).

Each line i of the T subsequent lines contain a string,S.


1 <= T <=10

2 <= Length of S <= 10000

Output Format

For each String Sj(where 0<=j<=T-1), print Sj's even-indexed characters,

followed by a space, followed by Sj's odd-indexed characters.

Sample Input




Sample Output

Hce akr

Rn ak


Test Case 0: S = "Hacker"

S[0] = "H"

S[1] = "a"

S[2] = "c"

S[3] = "k"

S[4] = "e"

S[5] = "r"

The even indices are 0,2 and 4, and the odd indices are 1, 2, and 5.

We then print a single line of 2 space-separated strings;

the first string contains the ordered characters from S's even indices (Hce), and the

second string contains the ordered characters from S's odd indices (akr).

Test Case 1:

S = "Rank"

S[0] = "R"

S[1] = "a"

S[2] = "n"

S[3] = "k"

The even indices are 0 and 2, and the odd indices are 1 and 3.

We then print a single line of 2 space-separated strings;

the first string contains the ordered characters from S's even indices (Rn), and the

second string contains the ordered characters from S's odd indices (ak).

PHP Solutions:

$_fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r");

/* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT */

fscanf($_fp, "%d\n", $n);

$r = 0;

while($r < $n){    

    fscanf($_fp, "%s\n", $string);

    $strLen = strlen($string);

    $evenStr = $oddStr = '';



            $evenStr.= $string[$i];


           $oddStr.= $string[$i];       


    print $evenStr.' '.$oddStr."\n";


Tags : hackerRank, Nodejs, PHP,

Views : 1126

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