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Below is the example of how to write CASE Statement & Nested Case in SQL
SELECT case when order_items.vat_charges > 0 then (order_items.price * order_items.quantity)/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100)) else (order_items.price * order_items.quantity) end as website_price_total, case when shops.shop_id = 24 then case when order_items.vat_charges > 0 then (order_items.cost_price * order_items.quantity)/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100)) else (order_items.cost_price * order_items.quantity) end else case when order_items.vat_charges > 0 then ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity) - (if( product.product_margin > 0, ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * product.product_margin)/ 100), ( if( brands.commission_percentage > 0, ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * brands.commission_percentage)/ 100), ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * shop_orders.shop_commission)/ 100)))))) / (1+(order_items.vat_charges/100)) else ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity) - (if( product.product_margin > 0, ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * product.product_margin)/ 100), ( if( brands.commission_percentage > 0, ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * brands.commission_percentage)/ 100), ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * shop_orders.shop_commission)/ 100)))))) end end as amt_tobe_paid, case when shops.shop_id = 24 then case when order_items.vat_charges > 0 then ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity)/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100)))-((order_items.cost_price * order_items.quantity)/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100))) else ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity)/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100)))-(order_items.cost_price * order_items.quantity) end else case when order_items.vat_charges > 0 then (if( product.product_margin > 0, ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * product.product_margin)/ 100), ( if( brands.commission_percentage > 0, ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * brands.commission_percentage)/ 100), ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * shop_orders.shop_commission)/ 100)))))/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100)) else (if( product.product_margin > 0, ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * product.product_margin)/ 100), ( if( brands.commission_percentage > 0, ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * brands.commission_percentage)/ 100), ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * shop_orders.shop_commission)/ 100))))) end end as admin_commission_total, case when shops.shop_id = 24 then case when order_items.vat_charges > 0 then (100 - (((order_items.cost_price * order_items.quantity)/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100)))/((order_items.price * order_items.quantity)/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100))))*100) else (100 - ((order_items.cost_price * order_items.quantity)/(order_items.price * order_items.quantity))*100) end else (if( product.product_margin > 0, (product.product_margin), ( if( brands.commission_percentage > 0, (brands.commission_percentage), (shop_orders.shop_commission))))) end as total_shop_commission, case when > 0 then ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity)*( else 0 end as total_discount_amt, case when order_items.vat_charges > 0 then (order_items.price * order_items.quantity) - ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity)/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100))) else 0 end as total_vat_amt, case when shops.shop_id = 24 then case when order_items.vat_charges > 0 then ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity)/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100)))-((order_items.cost_price * order_items.quantity)/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100)))-(case when > 0 then ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity)*( else 0 end) else ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity)/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100)))-(order_items.cost_price * order_items.quantity)-(case when > 0 then ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity)*( else 0 end) end else case when order_items.vat_charges > 0 then ((if( product.product_margin > 0, ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * product.product_margin)/ 100), ( if( brands.commission_percentage > 0, ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * brands.commission_percentage)/ 100), ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * shop_orders.shop_commission)/ 100)))))-(case when > 0 then ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity)*( else 0 end))/(1+(order_items.vat_charges/100)) else ((if( product.product_margin > 0, ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * product.product_margin)/ 100), ( if( brands.commission_percentage > 0, ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * brands.commission_percentage)/ 100), ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity * shop_orders.shop_commission)/ 100)))))-(case when > 0 then ((order_items.price * order_items.quantity)*( else 0 end)) end end as total_revenue_amt FROM your_table WHERE .... JOIN .... ORDER BY .... GROUP BY ....
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