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Yii2 GridView sorting and pagination using pajax

Yii2 GridView sorting and pagination using pajax

In this article we will learn how to use Pjax for Yii2 grid view sorting and pagination. Pjax is a jquery plugin which progressively enhances website page loads and behave more like single-page web application. We need to these steps to enable Pjax in yii2 web page Import yii\widgets\Pjax class Begin Pjax widget using Pjax::begin() Code block which needs to be rendered using Pjax Close Pja
Yii2 Turning on Pretty URLs

Yii2 Turning on Pretty URLs

In this blog post i will discuss about Yii2's pretty URLs. Yii2 pretty URLs relies on mod_rewrite module on apache or httpd server. Without Yii2 pretty URLs if you click on any link for example About Us menu, the URL will be something like http://localhost/hello/web/index.php?r=site/about.  I'd like to change that to http://localhost/hello/web/site/about. The config subdirectory includes env
Yii ajax form submit

Yii ajax form submit

In many cases we need to submit form using jQuery ajax. Yii has built-in support for this funtionality. In this blog post i will try to cover this topic. In the view form section at first we need to call form widget $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(    'id' => 'formId',    'enableAjaxValidation' => false,)); CActiveForm widget accepts multiple parameters, we will use two of
jQuery ui date picker in Yii

jQuery ui date picker in Yii

In this blog post we will learn how to add jQuery UI date picker to Yii application. To display jQuery UI date picker in the view page we need to call Yii built-in function widget. This widget function accepts following parameters Widget Name Widget Options Widget options also accepts multiple parameters it depends on widget class like Model object Attribute Name Options htmlOption
Yii load data into select box from database

Yii load data into select box from database

In this article we will learn how to load data into yii select box from database. We will follow below steps Create a function in model class Call that function to view page to get the data Lets say we have a table as pos_mac, now we will add a method named as getMacList() in POS_MAC model class. This method will load the all table data of pos_mac. Yii CHtml::listData function convert thi
Yii oracle database connection in windows

Yii oracle database connection in windows

In this post we will learn how to connect oracle database using PHP Yii framework. Following steps we need to follow to accomplish this Enable php_oci8.dll extension Restart the apache server Add connection string DB username DB Password Adding charset(optional) At first we need to enable php_oci8.dll extension. This extension is used to connect our application to Oracle Database. We
PHP convert datetime to selected timezone

PHP convert datetime to selected timezone

PHP DateTime class provides all the date and time processing functionality. The DateTimeZone class provides DateTime objects with all the required time zone information. DateTimeZone require the timezone name as string format and it will return an object representing datetime of that particular time zone. We need to follow these steps to convert any datetime to particular time zone: Create a

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