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Fuzzy rank based relevant search in PostgreSQL.

Fuzzy rank based relevant search in PostgreSQL.

Fuzzy rank based relevant search in PostgreSQL. In this article, I'll share how I've improved a search feature by ranking fuzzy string matches by applying to_tsvector, phraseto_tsquery, ts_rank, similarity to the searched term.  let's say we need to search list of labs which name contains the character combination of 'medwhite'. I'm saying contains since there might be names that are not an
TypeORM: How to bind parameters in where clause for SelectQueryBuilder

TypeORM: How to bind parameters in where clause for SelectQueryBuilder

Parameters used for As placeholders for the dynamic values in the query To prevent SQL injection Example let businessArtists: Artists[] = await getRepository(Artists)                 .createQueryBuilder('artists')                 .leftJoin(LocationArtists, 'location_artists', 'artists.artist_id = location_artists.artist_id')                 .where("artists.busi
How to use getManyAndCount function in SelectQueryBuilder

How to use getManyAndCount function in SelectQueryBuilder

TypeScript code snippets using typeorm.SelectQueryBuilder.getManyAndCount const [models, pageCount] = await getRepository(Businesses)             .createQueryBuilder('businesses')             .leftJoinAndSelect("businesses.locations", "locations")             .where("is_active = 1")             .andWhere("is_deleted = 0")             .skip(offset)        
implement hesabe payment gateway in Nodejs using Typescript

implement hesabe payment gateway in Nodejs using Typescript

implement hesabe payment gateway in Nodejs using Typescript in this blog post i will try explain how to implement hesabe payment gatway in Nodejs using Typescript. At first we will install two npm package hesabe-crypt-ts and aes-js. to install this two packages run the following command npm i -S hesabe-crypt-ts then npm i aes-js we have to import this two package on our typescript file as be

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