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Fuzzy rank based relevant search in PostgreSQL.

Fuzzy rank based relevant search in PostgreSQL.

Fuzzy rank based relevant search in PostgreSQL. In this article, I'll share how I've improved a search feature by ranking fuzzy string matches by applying to_tsvector, phraseto_tsquery, ts_rank, similarity to the searched term.  let's say we need to search list of labs which name contains the character combination of 'medwhite'. I'm saying contains since there might be names that are not an
Postgresql find foreign key references and reset primary key serial without truncate table

Postgresql find foreign key references and reset primary key serial without truncate table

Postgresql find foreign key references and reset primary key serial without truncate table in this blog post i will try to explain how to find Postgresql foreign key references and reset primary key serial. now question is why we need to find Postgresql foreign key references and reset primary key serial ?  sometime we have a scenerio where we need to reset the primary key for business need at

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