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Yii2 model scenarios can be used differently. Lets say, we have a model as Customer
Which can be used to store customer sign-in inputs,
but it can be also used for the customer sign-up purpose.
In different scenarios, Yii2 model can be used in multiple business rules and logic.
the email attribute may be required during customer sign-up,
but not required customer sign-in.
Yii2 model uses the yii\base\Model::$scenario property to track the scenario.
By default, Yii2 model supports only a single scenario as default scenario.
Below code shows two ways of setting the scenario of Yii2 model on controller section:
$model = new Customer;
$model->scenario = Customer::SCENARIO_LOGIN;
$model = new Customer(['scenario' => User::SCENARIO_LOGIN]);
in many cases, we need a rule to be applied only in particular scenarios.
To do so, we can specify the rule property as like below example:
in model file:
public function rules()
return [
['title', 'required', 'on' => 'create']
in controller file:
public function actionCreate()
$model = new Item();
$model->scenario = 'create';
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